The Investor's Guide to Offshore Inestment
International Tactics for the Active Investor
Руководство инвестора по офшорному инвестированию
международные тактики для активных инвесторов

Gough Leo

Цена: GBP 54.80
Издательство: FT Pitman Publishing
1995, 306 c., в твердом переплете
ISBN 0-273-61593-9


Tax havens; Tax on individuals; Prospering as an expatriate; The stock markets of the world; Offshore companies-structure and taxation; Trusts; Banking overseas; Foreign exchange; Emigrants and perpetual travellers; Gazetteer; The havens of Europe; The havens of the Caribbean; The havens of the rest of the World; Useful Addresses; Bibliography; Index and glossary of terms.

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