Selecting Shares that Perform
10 Ways to Beat the Index
Выбор акций, приносящих прибыль
10 способов обыграть рыночный индекс

Koch Richard

Цена: GBP 39.59
Издательство: FT Prentice Hall
1997, 285 c., в мягком переплете
ISBN 0-273-62687-6


Part one
Strategy for the individual investor
1. Why the stockmarket?
2. Should you try to out-perform the market
3. David versus Goliath
4. Rules to stop you losing
5. Record-keeping for fun
6. Why you need your own approach?
7. Ho to pick your own approach?
Part two
Ten ways that work
Way I. Follow the Rainmakers
Way II. Backing winners
Way III. Specialisation
Way IV. Detecting earning acceleration
Way V. Outsider information
Way VI. Good business
Way VII. Value investing
Way VIII. Emerging markets
Way IX. Opening the SLITs: capital shares of Split Level Investment Trusts
Way X. Warrants
Conclusion: Ten ways to compound wealth

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